Wolfgang Schenck (1912 - 1939)
Wolfgang Schenck came from a noble German family; he studied literature, philosophy, and the history of art in Hamburg and Dresden.
In 1932, he went to Berlin where he worked as an editor at a publishing house and later became an independent writer.
In 1933 Wolfgang married the spanish ballet dancer Allegra Munoz.
From 1933 to 1935, he lived in Munich where he founded the Freie Legale Musik , a music society.
In 1935, he returned to Berlin where he established the Cabaret Wissenschack, a play on Hegels work Wissenschaft der Logik.
The show closed with Jungen Vorstellung, a tender ten minute ballad sung by German actress Maedchen Feierabend, which lyrics strictly follows Lenin´s underlinings to Hegel´s The Absolute Idea.
"Wissenschack" is an act of Schenk´s love of playing with words referring to chess ("schach" in german) as well as chock ("schock").
Schenk was very fond of chess and had a well witnessed ability of fast thinking. He was surely a schachschocker.
After the nazis had declared to close the theater, Wolfgang shot himself on stage at the last performance, in july 1939. Allegra emigrated to New York with their son Joaquin.