New World Order Rec
NWO was an independent record label based in Newark, NJ, and was established in 1972. It was originally used as the label name by Tomahawk Jerry for the self-produced single Smash and grab!, and after realizing the potential for an independent label, he released records for other bands as well.
Tormented Youths´guitarist Matthew Barrington aka Billy The Shit and Tomahawk Jerry formed the original New World Order Rec partnership, but the label is now run by Matthew Barrington, who became the sole owner after Tomahawks death. NWO went on to launch some of the most original bands of the alternative/electropunk scene including releasing records (which were later released by other labels) by bands including The Fuck and Jennie Wayne & The Wooden Dolls.
The early compilation titled Wake America Up! served to introduce american early electropunk to the rest of the world.